
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Tony Show Everything goes 918202
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Tony Show Everything goes 9182023
alternative to the alternatives http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/
DIY health and protection against Freq https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gS5E0SSRIbLH/
Vids on Alternatives to the alternatives https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks/videos?view_as=subscriber
Consultation link https://blog.iyannis.com/consultation-with-tony-pantalleresco/
ANTHONYPANTALLERESCO https://purebulk.com?sca_ref=255774.CQCu0SoeKR discount code for Pure bulk If customers make purchase via this affiliate link, the discount code ANTHONYPANTALLERESCO will be automatically applied
The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFITP924Rj4&feature=youtu.be
Firemedic 8 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/q2K1sr7KzBaC/
Yannis Version of Spike https://solutions4mankind.com/consultation-services blog by aroy mak https://blog.iyannis.com
Fiona for Health https://fionaforhealth.com/lyme-or-nano/
Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/nano www.simplysynched.com
Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family https://kimbochinski.ca
Fiona for Health Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8RNkmD3TJE&feature=youtu.be or https://www.bitchute.com/video/DILBEkKfKgMm/
Three Hearts Church Site access the services are there as well http://www.threeheartschurch.org/index.php/sermons
Ahava –Shaui https://streamyard.com/mh4zmfeuby
Shay https://alive528.com/channel/RaisingTheFrequency
Aroy Maks Channel and information on health and current events https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y01JEb98s1o
Katherine Anne Jumpers https://www.bitchute.com/video/oKrbHpOTI9C1/
Katherine Anne Capacitors https://www.bitchute.com/video/SYFyHVwke13C/
Colossans 2: 16-18 and :20-22 16 [ak]Let no man therefore condemn you in meat and drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days, 17 Which are but a shadow of things to come: but the [al]body is in Christ.18 [am]Let no man at his pleasure bear rule over you by [an]humbleness of mind, and worshipping of Angels, [ao]advancing himself in those things which he never saw, ]rashly puffed up with his fleshly mind, 20 [au]Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the ordinances of the world, why, [av]as though ye lived in the world, are ye burdened with traditions? 21 [aw]As, Touch not, Taste not, Handle not. 22 [ax]Which all perish with the using, [ay]and are after the commandments and doctrines of men.
Imagine making a machine function more and more as a person ( notice I said person) replicating mankind s biology and neurol functionality---make the AI inter communicate with it self more efficiently---what happens when that assimilates a person!!!? Something to ponder since they already have been genetically and technically modifying all of us https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-40686-z or https://www.nanowerk.com/news2/robotics/newsid=63648.php?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nanowerk_emerging_technology_news_2023_09_17&utm_term=2023-09-17
An AI commanded Mission---wonderful eh! Teaching AI military tactics and teaching it war---this will bite us in the ass https://www.energy-daily.com/reports/Skunk_Works_and_University_Of_Iowa_dmonstrate_AI_commanded_mission_999.html
Chatbot is showing or exhibiting awareness—I touched on this on the last show---pay attention---means that its not only learning its also deducing and thinking –previous link teaching it war—what s it thinking whats it thinking---what is it analyzing—how is it countering-- https://techxplore.com/news/2023-09-chatbot-self-awareness.html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-nwletter
An oldie but a reality and still prevalent---are you paying attention---are you listening---are you growing up and seeing whats really here and what isn t!!!!??? listen and grow and not follow a regulation designed to Murder populations globally https://seed200.bitchute.com/1lJaePdMTd5C/9a2mmdnr3jB5.mp4 or https://www.bitchute.com/video/9a2mmdnr3jB5/
Heres another assault on childrens rights to have there genetic code preserved –a group of anti protesters want to come down and in the name of love to stop any activity that will not allow pedophiles or cross dressers to influence your children—they want to perpetrate the corrupting of Your childs DNA https://tinyurl.com/2sfw3f6w or https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1211165026506439 and https://bradsalzberg.substack.com/p/trudeau-trans-pushers-attack-the?utm_source=substack&publication_id=316166&post_id=137126704&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=jwoa0
Well Well Welll so is there a United states of America orrr is there a United States of Incorporated AMerika---we are seeing a fiction and most countries today are fictitious they aren’t even countries any more this is why the legal system doesn’t work for Joe public any more the new Constitution only serves the corporations—not the people---so do you still think that the woes of the planet has anything to do with you when the corporations are braaking the laws!!!?? https://rumble.com/v3gx680-the-greatest-show-on-earth-2023.html?mref=v6mdk&mrefc=3 or https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/a/N/z/G/aNzGm.oaa.mp4
Dear Tony: I wrote you a little tribute! Hope you enjoy it. Have a wonderful weekend! — Brent
If this whole world’s a $hIT-hole.. Then it’s been run by @$$-holes.. Who’ve spoken from their back sides..
To make it sure that we die--- From pompous-patterned poisons And leprous ugly lotions Infecting every ocean...
Amidst this grand corruption--- A Canada eruption --Of truth and clear perception-- Has punctured their production...
It’s Tony to the rescue--- With words like finest fescue --To heal the legions waiting--- In humor that’s elating!
So “grappa”glass of brandy--- Or green tea could be dandy--- And tune in semi-daily... Think of it as his flushing
The effluent erupting ----And zapping you to action (Perhaps a fine transaction). ---I’m sure you’ll get more traction
And cure your gut’s impaction-- Now read the Bible - it’s made clear ---God bless our posse - “we’re still here!”
The truth about Vegans ---they are the most Murderous people on the planet---to get there TOoooOO FFUuuuUU a lot of animals have to die https://tinyurl.com/wuv3b6u6 or https://www.tiktok.com/@roganvoice/video/7229984662788082971?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
India to also utilize facial recognition in smart cities and railways---looks like privacy has died in india as well as the rest of the “free” world ---just goes to show you that the jails are being built all about you under our noses escape before its to late https://www.activistpost.com/2023/09/india-embraces-facial-recognition-for-smart-city-railways.html
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