![Tonys show 3152021](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/3209021/God_Particle_Hand_of_God_holding_an_atombckqq_300x300.jpg)
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Tonys show 3152021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Tonys show 3152021
augmentinforce.com alternative to the alternatives
DIY health and protection against Freq https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gS5E0SSRIbLH/
Vids on Alternatives to the alternatives https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks/videos?view_as=subscriber
Consultation link https://blog.iyannis.com/consultation-with-tony-pantalleresco/
ANTHONYPANTALLERESCO https://purebulk.com?sca_ref=255774.CQCu0SoeKR discount code for Pure bulk If customers make purchase via this affiliate link, the discount code ANTHONYPANTALLERESCO will be automatically applied
https://blog.iyannis.com/ blog by aroy mak
The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFITP924Rj4&feature=youtu.be
Three Heart Church Freq and Nano-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXCOYWGA1zs or https://hooktube.com/watch?v=jXCOYWGA1zs
Three Hearts Church Site access the services are there as well http://www.threeheartschurch.org/index.php/sermons
InterView with Ty @ Enerchi wellness https://enerchiwellness.podbean.com
Bryan 396 nano Photo gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3%5C
Bryan 396 Data and research on nanobiotech https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs
Bryan 396 nano tech researcher Patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/tonys-message-34355614
Aroy Maks Channel and information on health and current events https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y01JEb98s1o and https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=Y01JEb98s1o
Yannis interview with shaui https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgmUFXOpbVA&feature=youtu.be
https://blog.iyannis.com/ blog by aroy mak
Fiona for Health https://fionaforhealth.com/lyme-or-nano/
Fiona for Health Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8RNkmD3TJE&feature=youtu.be or https://www.bitchute.com/video/DILBEkKfKgMm/
Deanna Spingola speaks Interview https://spingola.com/January2021.html
Interview with librti https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr0LMvK2gcw
Machine AI Warfare BASED on a MODEL ---does this sound familiar waging WWIII with a AI model determining a virulant exposure and rate of spread all based on a AI computer model---the model is only as good as the actual data verified https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7p38ia
MODERNA and the programmable synthetic DNA https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/modernas-top-scientist-on-mrna-technology-in-covid-shots-we-are-actually-hacking-the-software-of-life/
Moderna again re validating this is a operating system https://www.technocracy.news/transhuman-101-moderna-declares-covid-vaccine-to-be-an-operating-system/
Hail in th netherlands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RttV0mJbpao&ab_channel=RalfSchooneveld
The termination of a race-colour or creed ---through a weapon of mass destruction the cure is worse then the cause ---this is like removing gcmaf but worse https://thehighwire.com/videos/a-coming-covid-catastrophe/
The Virologist whos knows the design of this is saying unequivocally this is the wrong method and will in fact spread a real pandemic https://dryburgh.com/geert-vanden-bossche-open-letter-to-who-halt-all-covid-19-mass-vaccination/
Ive been saying this for the last8 months now the medical system is saying it and other physicians are saying it over 50K this is a repeat of the 1920s when they initiated the same culling and killed people the same way with the mask with pneumonia and with the vax ---if you are a young adult and or a teen and have no issues do not wear a mask at all and do not take this vax its a program nothing more--
if you know anyone who has taken this vax---they are pretty much poooched assist them with the supplementation but once there dna is burn out its over and as far as I can tell its permanent maybe able to potentially pulse or charge there system but that to could over whelm as well as heal
this is a nanobiotech ADAPTIVE program they are injecting this shit is designed to wipe out you re natural NK and basically you now will produce the infections so avoid that FN shit they want to initiate---this is how they are going to initiate the pandemic and these fkn mask and the social distancing was designed to break down your immune system by causing over loading the body of carbon and exosome---you re recycling your own shit so this will cause the immune ssytem to be tagged and ove loaded and worn out---open you up to heart failure and to open you up to pneumonia which in that case ---you will drop from this----- anyone who has it taken this would suggest you get your house in order---you will have 3 months to a year no more ---depending on age and comorbity issues this is adaptive and will self repair and replicate )(*&^%$#@#$%^&*()(*&^%$
if you are over 70 you re immune system may not handle it due to your antigen based immune system and dont take that F)(*&^%$%^&*(*&^ injection
this is an adaptive program means if you are over 70 or have a cormorbity you will not have the capacity to have a functioning immune response --since this is adaptive and you have an antigen based immune response ---over 70 possibly 60 is but more if your 70+ this is a immune system that has the antibodies that it already knows how to defend ---anything adaptive like this ---you have nothing ---if you are younger you need to throw that _)(*&^%$^&*( mask away your immune system is adaptive means it can compensate---you will get ill but then bounce back and be stronger unless you are already compromised
They turned this into an adaptive program
stay maskless and up C Zinc and A copper avoid those fucking nano products for immune protection they will compromise ----use iodine as well
things that have saponins utilize use any form of chlorides --potassium salt magnesium-calcium cobalt -cesium manganese etc
herbal concentrates will be needed for adaptogenic capacities anyone over 70 even potentially 60 who has some form of cormorbity will need to up C Sulphur zinc copper and manganese chlorides---MMS --GSE --IODINE C need to be at the top of this list --
if you have a pulser --ionizer --a static charged device use this as will to " burn out" the pathologies -- increase essential oils as welll anything of the peppermint family tree family spice family will work
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Optogenetics will continue to evolve using smart dust there's a chance is in this shot . Eventually everyone will be activated threw frequency, new breed of zombies. Please don't take the shot. TONY LOVE ALL YOUR SHOW VERY INFORMATIVE. GOD SPEED. They have about 9.. month before activating..
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
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