
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Tonys Show 4102022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Tonys Show 4102022
alternative to the alternatives http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/
DIY health and protection against Freq https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gS5E0SSRIbLH/
Vids on Alternatives to the alternatives https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks/videos?view_as=subscriber
Consultation link https://blog.iyannis.com/consultation-with-tony-pantalleresco/
ANTHONYPANTALLERESCO https://purebulk.com?sca_ref=255774.CQCu0SoeKR discount code for Pure bulk If customers make purchase via this affiliate link, the discount code ANTHONYPANTALLERESCO will be automatically applied
The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFITP924Rj4&feature=youtu.be
Three Heart Church Freq and Nano-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXCOYWGA1zs or https://hooktube.com/watch?v=jXCOYWGA1zs
Three Hearts Church Site access the services are there as well http://www.threeheartschurch.org/index.php/sermons
InterView with Ty @ Enerchi wellness https://enerchiwellness.podbean.com
Bryan 396 nano Photo https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3%5C
Bryan 396 Data and research on nanobiotech https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs
Ahava –Shaui https://streamyard.com/mh4zmfeuby
Aroy Maks Channel and information on health and current events https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y01JEb98s1o and https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=Y01JEb98s1o
Yannis interview with shaui https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgmUFXOpbVA&feature=youtu.be
blog by aroy mak https://blog.iyannis.com
Fiona for Health https://fionaforhealth.com/lyme-or-nano/ Fiona for Health Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8RNkmD3TJE&feature=youtu.be or https://www.bitchute.com/video/DILBEkKfKgMm/
Katherine Anne Jumpers https://www.bitchute.com/video/oKrbHpOTI9C1/
Katherine Anne Capacitors https://www.bitchute.com/video/SYFyHVwke13C/
Laura and the inside look on money politics Families corruption https://rumble.com/vti09h-world-elite.html
NANITE evolution—years ago 9-10 ( we realized the level of saturation globally of this nano was saturated and with the capacity to have a terabyte of data running through and the ability to respond to freq and operating systems sending messages it would be a matter of time when this tech would evolve—it has—now hollyweird is letting you know https://screenrec.com/share/9AB1Ne7VjU and https://screenrec.com/share/SrnlMpqk6P
German LawMakers rejecting mandatory injections https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/bill-introducing-mandatory-vaccination-all-germans-over-60-expected-pass?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=592
Natural immunity Studies https://brownstone.org/articles/natural-immunity-and-covid-19-twenty-nine-scientific-studies-to-share-with-employers-health-officials-and-politicians/
Solders robbing a bank in Iraq https://twitter.com/AdilAdil3panan/status/1512700902259445760 or https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1512700436444332033/pu/vid/632x416/9jegvQPRRPxLAgRK.mp4?tag=12
Iraqi women also being a target of being rescued by liberatrors ( UN –USA ) https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1511845848308613121.html?s=03
UN Raping Boys and Girls where ever they are stationed –SO Canada are you ready to be occupied and raped –BY THE UN!!! https://medium.com/@PanAfricanUnity/united-nations-troops-literally-rape-black-men-women-and-children-with-impunity-c83e68e5dc5c vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml0I4LolBjI
UN is Broke and when it was coming to the surface the “Outbreak” manifested https://ncio.ca/briefings/index.php/2021/09/21/charges-of-high-treason-and-treason-warranted-for-justin-trudeau-chrystia-freeland-and-provincial-premiers/
The real reason for bitcoins and digitization no real accountability you can be broke and no one would know it WHO’s financial and human resource capacities have to be strengthened, including through adequate and sustainable funding for the Health Emergencies Programme and the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies (CFE).
The UN being insolvent was made perfectly clear in October 2019 in a statement by the Secretary-General about “the worst cash crisis facing the United Nations in nearly a decade. The Organization runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors.” UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, The UN declaring it was insolvent was made just months before start of Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack.
However, Canada, the USA, the UK and other non-EU countries couldn’t just hand over $billions to the UNO so Germany, the WHO, the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, and Event 201 players stage/lead the COVID-19 plandemic to cover up the theft of $billions for the insolvent Germany Fourth Reich EU and its International World Order/UN.
OooOoooOO CANADUH or should we say chinada
High treason
46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,
(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or
(c) assists an enemy at war (biological warfare is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, insects, and fungi with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war) with Canada, whether or not a state of war exists
Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 states that any federal or provincial law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is of no force or effect. Statutes which conflict with the Constitution are invalid in the most radical sense; they do not become law.
7 of the Constitution of Canada includes the right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution.
China s drama watch them and then see what transpires here ---they to are doing there what is being done here –violating there rights and entitlements by taking advantage of the trust the people –if it ever got to a civil unrest there it would be the end ---same in the west https://www.newsweek.com/shanghai-residents-told-control-your-thirst-freedom-amid-lockdown-1695649
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They will use everything they have on us to kill us.... The U.N. will have a of a time with armed americans...
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Please watch Stew Peters and Dr Brian Ardis...Watch the Water on Rumble!! It’s snake venom poisoning!!
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
How about the bird flu BS. Birds are dropping from those toxic chemtrails and EMF’s.
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
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