
Friday May 13, 2022
Tonys show 5122022
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
Tonys show 5122022
alternative to the alternatives http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/
DIY health and protection against Freq https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gS5E0SSRIbLH/
Vids on Alternatives to the alternatives https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks/videos?view_as=subscriber
Consultation link https://blog.iyannis.com/consultation-with-tony-pantalleresco/
ANTHONYPANTALLERESCO https://purebulk.com?sca_ref=255774.CQCu0SoeKR discount code for Pure bulk If customers make purchase via this affiliate link, the discount code ANTHONYPANTALLERESCO will be automatically applied
The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFITP924Rj4&feature=youtu.be
Three Heart Church Freq and Nano-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXCOYWGA1zs or https://hooktube.com/watch?v=jXCOYWGA1zs
Three Hearts Church Site access the services are there as well http://www.threeheartschurch.org/index.php/sermons
InterView with Ty @ Enerchi wellness https://enerchiwellness.podbean.com
Bryan 396 nano Photo https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3%5C
Bryan 396 Data and research on nanobiotech https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs
Ahava –Shaui https://streamyard.com/mh4zmfeuby
Aroy Maks Channel and information on health and current events https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y01JEb98s1o and https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=Y01JEb98s1o
Yannis interview with shaui https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgmUFXOpbVA&feature=youtu.be
blog by aroy mak https://blog.iyannis.com
Fiona for Health https://fionaforhealth.com/lyme-or-nano/
Fiona for Health Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8RNkmD3TJE&feature=youtu.be or https://www.bitchute.com/video/DILBEkKfKgMm/
Katherine Anne Jumpers https://www.bitchute.com/video/oKrbHpOTI9C1/
Katherine Anne Capacitors https://www.bitchute.com/video/SYFyHVwke13C/
Laura and the inside look on money politics Families corruption https://rumble.com/vti09h-world-elite.html
Anti religion –Anti new age
14 [af]And putting out the [ag]handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, he even took it out of the way, and fastened it upon the cross, 15 And hath spoiled the [ah]Principalities, and Powers, and hath [ai]made a show of them openly, and hath triumphed over them in the [aj]same cross. 16 [ak]Let no man therefore condemn you in meat and drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days,---- So much for legalism and the mosaic laws or any other religion-- 17 Which are but a shadow of things to come: but the [al]body is in Christ.--18 [am]Let no man at his pleasure bear rule over you by [an]humbleness of mind, and worshipping of Angels, [ao]advancing himself in those things which he never saw, [ap][aq]rashly puffed up with his fleshly mind, goofy guru s and there ideas of some way out there BS --19 [ar]And holdeth not the [as]head, whereof all the body furnished and knit together by joints and bands, increaseth with the increasing of [at]God. 20 [au]Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the ordinances of the world, why, [av]as though ye lived in the world, are ye burdened with traditions?
This is or those who get confused with old wine skins –religion and new wine –life with God within
DMED DATA---you can share this with the skeptics https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/this-medical-data-from-the-us-dod?s=r
Cancer rates have tripled in the Military https://seed306.bitchute.com/Wsohzcxb738F/8TyP36dUOrcN.mp4
A little break down on the DMED https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/services/files/FB6DDD42-4755-4FDC-BEE9-50E402911E02
BILLY has gone of the deep end but watch how much Power he really has –and remember Trump drop the funding to the WHO and gave it to SILYY BILLY https://screenrec.com/share/S5jk4UcOt6
Amerika waging war with Bioterror and the experiments for Bioterror---could the covid been a release asa result of a test run to see there work in progress and was Silly billy a part of this ---just a question to make one think https://thesaker.is/briefing-analysis-of-documents-related-to-the-military-biological-activities-of-the-united-states-on-the-territory-of-ukraine-may-11-2022/
Who approves abortion https://www.abortions.news/2022-04-01-who-approves-abortion-threatens-millions-unborn-children.html
Who wants abortions decriminalized https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/who-calls-for-ban-on-abortion-restrictions-opening-door-to-abortion-till-birth/
This is what the world is waiting on –a despotic organization that would willingly sacrifice the unborn---do you really they will protect you or would they just simply abort you as well https://canadafreepress.com/article/warning-american-sovereignty-about-to-be-swallowed-whole-by-u.ns-world-health-organization
BIDEN is on the tear to surrender Amerika to the WHO https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/i8ePRd
Whats going on in the usa on sovereignty https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/F/7/-/a/F7-ae.caa.mp4
Bill 96 cultural suicide and they are going to enforce this is quebec annexing away? https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/first-reading-quebec-to-pass-unbelievably-onerous-language-law
Google AI creates another AI that is more advanced then what men and women can build https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/google-child-ai-bot-nasnet-automl-machine-learning-artificial-intelligence-a8093201.html
AI translator invents its own language https://techcrunch.com/2016/11/22/googles-ai-translation-tool-seems-to-have-invented-its-own-secret-internal-language
Comments (7)
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ilon musk wasnt human it was demonic was seen changed demonic in one of its fake rocket nonsence!!!
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
all leaders is not humans they been evil demonic fallen angels , demonics as humans to deceive !!!
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
i stay off utube the sickos demonic fallen angels was witch craftimg me on it!!!
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Fix the smoke alarm. Pain in the balls. I thought it was my apartment.
Sunday May 15, 2022
That smoke alarm is freaking my dogs out.
Saturday May 14, 2022
still no new batteries in the smoke alarm 🤭
Saturday May 14, 2022
Kim iverson speaking there was suspended and taken off YouTube cause she speak it the way it is and now she has to limit herself from what she says or she will get knocked off the site. I say go into the government locations and take these out physically and whoop all that’s call face, and give then a kicking up to their shoulders. Plain and simple no more sweet talk or oh leave it jb gods hands god isn’t gonna come down from the heaven’s and hold our hands and fix this .
Friday May 13, 2022
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