![Tony s show 11-14-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Torroidal_waves_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Tony s show 11-14-2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Tonys Show 11-13-2019
Alternative to the alternatives augmentinforce.com
Video of alternative to the alternative https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks
Byran396 on Nano Data https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs
Visuals on nano data https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3--
Aroymak Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL7aPhuzitY
Air Pollution causes Brain Cancer and damage https://news.uudis.eu/air-pollution-nanoparticles-linked-to-brain-cancer-for-first-time
NANO detox on another site https://www.aircrap.org/chemtrail-nano-detox-bucket-bath/
Protest in Hong Kong http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Chaos_in_Hong_Kong_as_pro-democracy_protests_blossom_everywhere_999.html
Canada as we knew it does not exist https://capforcanada.com/traditional-canada-is-dead-justin-trudeaus-pseudo-communism-now-reigns-supreme/
Free speech in canada Gone charter means nothing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viLhA-PKbp4
5G??/ over we are now 6 g and going down https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7656417/China-kick-starts-development-6G-technology-week-rolling-5G-network.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead&fbclid=IwAR3oyohdtlqR3LxCLMYCZXG5vSx9Lyr2b8p4gHs1E0wGsOujXmBSWdPIHG4
creating your own GMO baby https://interestingengineering.com/now-you-can-create-your-own-genetically-modified-but-smart-and-healthy-baby?_source=newsletter&_campaign=BeQv00PK08vQA&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-08-11-2019
Holographic Brain https://neurosciencenews.com/holographic-brain-atlas-15187/
AI evolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvPDEK776qo
chemtrials negative effect on environment and food https://www.actascientific.com/ASAG/pdf/ASAG-03-0543.pdf
Micro robots flowing through you monitoring http://www.robodaily.com/reports/On_the_way_to_intelligent_microrobots_999.html
what did they know in 1889 that vaccines did not do anything and increase outbreaks
Jesus Statue in Poland a weapon?? https://designyoutrust.com/2019/11/worlds-largest-jesus-christ-statue-from-poland-began-distributing-internet-from-antennas-in-his-crown/?fbclid=IwAR2iAAQGgK4-MF69YJHP4x7i86e6EMprfub-SjkRA9E4z_XXigHeRSvsbgo
Moloch statue of child sacrifice ( which is still on going today ) being displayed where martys are buried my how far the Vatican has fallen https://www.christianpost.com/news/moloch-statue-child-sacrifice-colosseum-holy-site-christian-martyrs.html
connecting global entities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtvkBjsp98A
the Death of Europe a must see for those of european decent and or european https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQXHc-tJMXM
full pack show with a multiple topic base---clear cut indicators on how much we are up against--being a realist-- survivivng and a remnant got through--not going easy or surrender---they made alot of mistakes the entities that have afflicted--my generation were defiant made that way and we thought everything was BS then and I still think it is BS---God having a sense of humour---being integrated to assist each other were we are lacking---european interview on europe dying--surrendering--they are given up--population growth globally is under 2 except for a few countries
and reason why people are not having babies are not what they are saying---bringing a child into a shithole ---all the reasons what I really see that people are not having babies --new term nano bio programming--assembly of nano integration into the developing fetus--shit and the use of it in regard to birthing--govt stealing everything anytime makes a cent the govt consumes a penny total slavery--understanding why people are the way they are ---understanding things differently from my youth---losing the right of free speech and everyone overlooking this--- personal rights and freedoms are going to be privilege in the near future--chip taking away the rights ---discrimination as a result of the cheap--Don cherry controversy is showing how freedom of speech has been lost
![Tonys Show Nov 12-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Torroidal_waves_300x300.jpg)
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Tonys Show Nov 12-2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Tonys show 11 12 2019
Vids on the Alternatives that can offer solutions https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks
alternative to the alternative augmentinforce.com
Data on nano dangers expose and exposure https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs
Aroyomak Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_d4AaIxhnE
Gallery on nano exposure and poisoning https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3--
The AI virtual controlled Planet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7SE06mvBOk
Truth about birth rates in the world---they are down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYZPTaV-RcQ
The concepts or a parallel universe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5alKdNtrvN4
Weaponized Street Lights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFwQUold7jY
Weather Modification on agricultural https://www.actascientific.com/ASAG/pdf/ASAG-03-0543.pdf
Cytotoxicity of suspended nano particles in surfecants https://www.academia.edu/19785129/Cytotoxicity_of_single-walled_carbon_nanotubes_suspended_in_various_surfactants?email_work_card=interaction_paper
Mini cheetahs bots playing https://interestingengineering.com/mits-mini-cheetah-backflipping-robots-pop-out-of-leaves-and-play-soccer?_source=newsletter&_campaign=oBzz8xed85rM1&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-09-11-2019
Intelligent Micro bots http://www.robodaily.com/reports/On_the_way_to_intelligent_microrobots_999.html
Tetanus vaccine breaks down Key Phospholipid protection https://healthimpactnews.com/2013/tetanus-vaccine-causes-a-new-disease-known-as-antiphospholipid-syndrome/
Creating your own GMO baby https://interestingengineering.com/now-you-can-create-your-own-genetically-modified-but-smart-and-healthy-baby?_source=newsletter&_campaign=BeQv00PK08vQA&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-08-11-2019
Building the first holographic Brain https://neurosciencenews.com/holographic-brain-atlas-15187/
Some one mocking me --a millenial dumbass---plastering me all over here site and people actually go more to the site free promotion---thank him for putting this out there I found an answer ---turn ups not trolls-- the medium of sites that propagate these people to be aggitating---do not be alarmed---nature of people seeing the negative--- not going to reach everyone but those that do gain and see things they never knew existed--AI is the cintrol of the planet --quantum computing is going to exponentially make the AI million times faster-- and everything about us is going to change in ways and means of what those changes are going to occur ---another site further elaboratng and validating what has been said on the network--brain hacking through AI -- no control any more AI doing things autonomously---Fringe sci fi dealing with an observer and then seeing the end results of integrating the neurol link that cause the brain integration and take over of the brain--the freq hiittng everyone and seeing the outward of a bill board and behind is the freq activating the brain
![Tonys Show 11-8-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Magnetic_fields_300x300.png)
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Tonys Show 11-8-2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Tonys show 11- 8- 2019
Alternatives to the alternative augmentinforce.com
Tutorials and skill sets in alternatives https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks
bryan396 data and info on nano https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs
bryan306 Gallery of data https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3--
The end of canada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw5LjZ3Q7j4
NANO particles integrating forming new materials https://read.qxmd.com/read/31675211/interparticle-reactions-between-silver-nanoclusters-leading-to-product-co-crystals-by-selective-co-crystallization
I Robot you Slave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq6gIdrVM_o&feature=youtu.be
Bible passage in Luke https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Luke-22-36/
Egypt assaulted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3_vvCAzO8A&app=desktop
Airforce using Solar energy beams https://futurism.com/the-byte/air-froce-beam-solar-power-earth?utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-b51e49aa94-250230093&mc_cid=b51e49aa94&mc_eid=8a35dde912&utm_source=The%20Future%20Is&utm_campaign=b51e49aa94-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_11_05_06_09
light based tractor beam assembles NANO http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Light_based_tractor_beam_assembles_materials_at_the_nanoscale_999.html
another brothel buying a sexbot https://futurism.com/the-byte/alien-brothel-sex-robot?utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-9474d2f986-250230093&mc_cid=9474d2f986&mc_eid=8a35dde912&utm_source=The%20Future%20Is&utm_campaign=9474d2f986-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_11_06_05_57
social programs through skynet https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20191018/15154043218/skynet-welfare-automating-social-services-is-killing-people.shtml
blue light exposure accelerates aging topical exposure https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191017101253.htm
Aroymak Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkBVOmr2eQ8&t=1866s
answering questions on aroymaks channel --man bashing and the concepts of the man subjugation---ghetto thinking and how things go--liberal minded entities who interferred with our evolution with more tethers---understanding we are a people which should have this mutual respect--- turn the other cheek ---going both ways --and men dealing with women who are antagonistic and demeaning---just cut them loose ---Ruth and the king--not being adverseral and did more for her people---superiority and attitude walk away---mans approach in being a singularity---laws of the land causing the hardships for men in relationships---marriage is now just association --this way no loss to assets---marriage should wait til they are 70 this way you can combine the pensions an rely on each other--men have been castrated in the usa and canada the systemic breaking down of men ---the new world order systemic take over and men weakening the men of the world so it is an easier take over---entities hiding among people in the crossfire hiding like wolves in sheep clothing--global experimenting with people with mind control People who believe in God need to be on there guard with people coming in with BS dogma or ideologies-misguiding there congregations to suicide is not God--hierarchies advocating this let them lead the way--not stay back where they are in there comforts feeding of the wealth of the men or women they set off to war
![Tonys Show 11-4-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Finger_pront_of_God_300x300.jpg)
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Tonys Show 11-4-2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Tonys Show 11-4-2019
Herbsplusbeadworks he visual alternative and solutions you can make https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks
more alternative data you can read and see augmentinforce.com
Audio info on what is current and beneficial in the struggle to sustain health in todays times independz.podbean.com
Nano Assembly videos by bryan 396 https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3--
aroymak channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Comn6AFcnCA
Nanotech Research https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs
Canadian screw job https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLUxWha_W7M
Carbon nano toxic data -More info on the levels of toxicity of nanobio tech https://www.academia.edu/4050212/REVIEW_Carbon_nanotubes_toxicological_impact_on_human_health_and_environment?email_work_card=interaction_paper
Pig Virus anyone new and improved ---Lab made https://medicalxpress.com/news/2018-05-pig-virus-potential-threat-humans.html
More data on virus transfer from pig to people https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160223074841.htm
agenda 2030 ---take over and control of any evolution to contain it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_gnz3W5WV0
Money fraud and how it enslaves us to a mythos of what wealth is https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=79&v=BN-gY3ljDy8
Carbon Nanotubes and there toxicity https://www.academia.edu/5691646/Carbon_nanotubes_and_their_toxicity?email_work_card=view-paper
Nanoprobes monitoring neural activity --maybe why you feel that crawly itching feeling https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191018181041.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmatter_energy%2Fnanotechnology+%28Nanotechnology+News+--+ScienceDaily%29
making money selling Peoples organs ---negotiating a childs organs https://futurism.com/neoscope/people-selling-human-organs-facebook?utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-b36cf8d72e-250230093&mc_cid=b36cf8d72e&mc_eid=8a35dde912&utm_source=The%20Future%20Is&utm_campaign=b36cf8d72e-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_10_22_05_25
Bioprinting living cells in 3 d printing---the star trek transporter but the implcations of weaponizing is huge https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191021103905.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmatter_energy%2F3-d_printing+%283-D+Printing+News+--+ScienceDaily%29
living skin can now be bioprinted https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/11/191101111556.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fhealth_medicine%2Fhuman_biology+%28Human+Biology+News+--+ScienceDaily%29
Carbon nanotube toxicty in surfecants https://www.academia.edu/19785129/Cytotoxicity_of_single-walled_carbon_nanotubes_suspended_in_various_surfactants?email_work_card=title
High cholesterol tied to longer life https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/10/high_cholesterol_associated_with_longer_life.html
Cholesterol upload what I take twice a day --1 raw egg -2 oz of brandy --I add cq 10 powder 1 gram -bht powder 1 gram-vitamn A powder 1 gram lipase powder 1 gram Savoury essential oil 1-2 drops rosemary essential oil 1-2 drops marjoram essential oil 1-2 drops almond extrat 3 -4 drops nutmeg essenial oil 1-2 drops and may add a coffee extract ( optional) and vanilla extract ( optionals) and cream 35% ( clean no additives ) 2 oz --blend together till semi solid 20-30 secondsconsume I do this twice a day before bed and when I awake
USA land of the free take over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KocnwEo78bg
the agenda and delivery method of infections --comic format mute the orator and just follow the threads willalarm you what the matrix is revealing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIxPeFqtNXw
China's mind control Program -- so it is not just a weapon being exploited in restricted areas its global https://www.theepochtimes.com/victims-of-chinas-electromagnetic-mind-control-technology-provide-testimonies-seek-help_3125378.html?fbclid=IwAR04Sihbzgtb-3VaRibxNHcuifp4XiMz6TKFA_lB8pZ0J6ZCloCvYxfNwjs
Chemtrailing Egypt and egypts news media reporting it --unfortunately I have no english translation but recieved this from friend of mine from that country and he was amazed they reported and responded to the assault on there air space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlyukH_ak3U
messages we see and we are not aware and the messages are so pertinent to what is going and see he threads and look at what is is being displayed on virus transfer that can now be done with frequency--3 d printing of Biology and dna --egyptian media pointing chemtrails recognizing an assault of aerosoling there country--the fantasy illusion way of existing in canada and usa ---we are not living in a cozy reality cuddling us to death ---seeing reality as it is and showing the reality---guru authoritive narrative that has no value or substance----the game of the guru health--keeping people in a state of illusion believing in BS---follow the themes and not the entertainment will see what is going on --- No one has enough money---constant state of broke
![Tonys Show 10-31-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Torroidal_waves_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Tonys Show 10-31-2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Tonys Show 10-31-2019
augmentinforce.com Alternatives to the Alternatives
https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks Show and Tell on alternative to the alternatives
https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs Data on Nano and developments regarding health hazards
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Nano Assembly
https://interestingengineering.com/ai-allowed-a-paralyzed-person-to-handwrite-using-his-mind?_source=newsletter&_campaign=JeePXNzz7NlpA&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-29-10-2019 appearance on a benefit will link or integrate more into a AI network
https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/big-pharma-microsoft-silicon-valley-id2020-alliance-combine-vaccinations-with-implantable-microchip-digital-id-mark-beast-end-times/ welll now it is verified chipping through vaccines
Indicating more and more the accelerated aging of nano exposure
https://www.news-medical.net/news/20190930/Nanoparticles-moving-through-airway-mucus-may-predict-severity-of-COPD.aspx?utm_source=news_medical_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nanomedicine_newsletter_30_october_2019 now you know why there is No cure for respiratory issues ---because you are constantly reloading the damaging effect of nanoparticles
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110210080235.htm Epsom salt saves babies brains
https://www.motherearthnews.com/natural-health/nutrition/gmo-safety-zmgz13amzsto Burying studies to further mislead people til they forget these happened
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H15uuDMqDK0 Elon Musk on AI
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191030100047.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmatter_energy%2Fbiochemistry+%28Biochemistry+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 makes you wonder what is in your syringe
https://www.academia.edu/29059525/Preparation_of_water_soluble_carbon_nanotubes_and_assessment_of_their_biological_activity_in_embryonic_zebrafish?email_work_card=title Assessing the true study on zebra fish and toxicity on nano in many dimensions
http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/New_material_expands_by_a_factor_of_100_when_electrocuted_999.html Expandable material with some shocks
https://futurism.com/the-byte/invented-sex-robot-breathes?utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-8629ec6e35-250230093&mc_cid=8629ec6e35&mc_eid=8a35dde912&utm_source=The%20Future%20Is&utm_campaign=8629ec6e35-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_10_30_06_29 sex robot that breathes
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-03282-0?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=7059eb6153-briefing-dy-20191030&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-7059eb6153-43402073 Gay gene App not credible
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-03295-9?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=7059eb6153-briefing-dy-20191030&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-7059eb6153-43402073 defining what it means to have free will
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyxVuS13QWM&t=445s Aroy Mak's new Vid
The fun is about to begin
define free will---some think it is the right to choose or have a choice---Chili is going to define free will --we need to understand what the parameter of free will is
what we have perceived as a free will has not been anything more then an experiment which was planned in the 50s and 60s was enacted---have we had free will the answer is no more like thought control
how do you determine what you like people you entangle with colour preferance food preferance in a study you have made a controlled choice
free will as an example to grow things to market without having to deal with in licensing that would be a free will and choice not a regulatory one---entering into Techno Nano AI world - will be subject to a Technocracy AI controlled --spirituality is also a determined program that is being presented as a ideology--Matrix is a lie from day one---we crossed into this realm and been programmed different trueisms and fell int a beliefs and concepts-- vedic guru came by did a show to collect funds similar to the TV evangelicals all a show--what is spiritual?-- everything you perceive as holy and spiritual and other concepts are as well control mechanisms-miracles are an experience to display there is something more then this realm this is to show there is something else can come from dark places where it can keep you from evolving as wll--the state evolutionary stages in the program---free will will be based on technocracy--corporacy is running the planet now the AI system is going to replace this--AI is going to be in control--NO one controls Ai NO body
![Tony s Show 10-29-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Magnetic_fields_300x300.png)
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tony s Show 10-29-2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tonys Show 10-28-2019
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3RIHnK0_NE&feature=youtu.be New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete (Bosstown Dynamics) a devaiation in movies about how machins are going to be better at war and will rebel see the town BOSSTOWN not boston
https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks Herbsplusbeadwork channel where you just might find out what you are looking for in regard to solutions
augmentinforce.com alternative to the alternatives
https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs Bryan 396 data and research
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Nano assembly videos from bryan 396
https://interestingengineering.com/a-brain-controlled-exoskeleton-has-let-a-quadriplegic-walk-again?_source=newsletter&_campaign=2AKL2WEeJxn19&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-27-10-2019 exoskeleton brain hook up
https://bryan396.com/index.php/2019/03/08/is-there-a-luciferian-pedophile-cult-in-my-oregon-town-twinpeaksisreal-donutgate/ Bryan 396 insights and connections with mind control and Nanobiotech
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWH6dWB_xNo&feature=youtu.be Paradise lost---a validation to what bryan 396 and Myself have been saying for over 10 years
http://orthomolecular.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&chash=da4fb5c6e93e74d3df8527599fa62642.124&s=915ac1de175031fe3825bd4ab478a726 Rebooting your gut
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzBI33kOiKc Voting Hack
http://koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO201420249946942.page Onion Power
http://koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO201534853187685.page Onion Anti inflammatory
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx8DXBBaWSA Biometrics and tracking with a rfid
https://interestingengineering.com/the-us-is-investing-in-low-cost-unmanned-disposable-warplanes?_source=newsletter&_campaign=jvpbm3gqpoybq&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-28-10-2019 throw away military hardware
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110210080235.htm Epsom salt saves the day for babies
having a look at the current lablelling and seeing the changes and the synthesizing ---remember this word---artificial and natural flavour aborted baby--Synthetic meat- how do you interpret--cow farts and cow shit is now dangerous--new form of meat environmentally friendly---artificial meat is what you may think but t would not be accurate---it is a consolidation of different materials to make something else---B1 synthesizing is a means an extraction from something else with the assistance of other things---synthetic does not necessarily means artificial---what if the meat they are talking about synthesizing ---what if they are aborted babies--being synthesized to form meat---anti meat conspiracy--this is for those who are die hard meat eaters---cows are the most environmentally friendly animals out there--synhesizing meat where are the proteins coming from---not from cows--- Soy is not a meat ---more things change the more they stay the same ---30 years ago they came out with tofu hot dogs -burgers and tofu meats that were not meat--where are the proteins coming from---soy is toxic to the core---contamination with technology--pea protein similar to soy with its poisonings--the volume you would require to use these plants to synthesize would not be realistic---soo whats left ---People---markets in other countries are already selling foetuses-- and we are already using aborted babies as flavouring agents
anti life ---anti life equation-why is it that the foods they touch with genetics made more foods and healthier then after the modified---genetically engineering a food to reduce it s mass production corn and wheat are prime examples--understanding that the things are being made dysfunctionality---thre is a shortage and what you maybe seeing today may not be there tomorrow- validate what is being said
![Tonys Show 10-26-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Magnetic_fields_300x300.png)
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Tonys Show 10-26-2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Tonys Show 10-26-2019
augmentinforce.com alternative to the alternative
https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs Bryans Data on NANO and its devasting impact to Life
https://www.youtube.com/user/HerbsPlusBeadWorks More alternatives to the alternatives and a means to defend and restore
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Bryans nano Pictorials so you can see
Agenda 2030 broken down
https://www.quantamagazine.org/strange-metal-like-bonds-discovered-in-colloidal-crystals-20190903/ NANO Assembly how it networks inside of you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDbEkEcaAbU Archetype the future of melding men and machines transferring brain into robotank bodies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SA7FaKxZVI 16sec mark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBGRQDnK6go 10: 19 min mark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbyJignbSj0 gemini man 49 sec mark clone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzBI33kOiKc why voting is a sham
https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/robot-judges-will-pass-sentence-20648849 AI Judge
https://futurism.com/why-quantum-supremacy-matters?utm_source=The+Future+Is&utm_campaign=17d26c0f50-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_10_24_05_29&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-17d26c0f50-250230093&mc_cid=17d26c0f50&mc_eid=8a35dde912 Quantum Supremacy
http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/DARPA_picks_teams_for_Virtual_Air_Combat_Competition_999.html DARPA picks teams for Virtual Air Combat Competition
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191024122642.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmind_brain%2Fnutrition+%28Nutrition+Research+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Milk Impact on children and why they need MILK
The most important concern about the utility of pristine carbon nanotubes in biomedical and biological applications is their extreme inherent hydrophobicity and molecular dispersibility in aqueous environment. They have affinity to form large agglomerates (bundles of individual nanotubes formed due to vander Waalinteraction) which can block blood vessels, therefore could be disastrous [28].However, different functionalisation mechanisms have been employed to modify the surface of CNTs to overcome their hydrophobicity and molecular dispersibility. Functionalisation with different molecules is achieved by adsorption, electrostatic interaction or covalent bonding of different functional group to render them hydrophilic. Even though surface modifications improve their solubility and changes their biocompatibility, it is still difficult at the moment to overcome all the negatives of CNTs like continuous production of structurally and chemically reproducible CNTs with consistently similar 21characteristics with minimal amount of contamination (impurities in the form of minerals).These are the areas where complete details about their limitations need to be addressed to find out a feasible solution to remove them for safe and secure applications of CNTs.
3.1 Toxic effects of CNTs
The toxic effects of CNTs arise mainly because of their extremely small size,larger surface area and intrinsic toxicity of the surface. Nanoparticles up to 100nm in dimensions are potentially toxic and main target of their toxicity are lungs.The main concern about the toxicity of CNT is that they can escape from their site of deposition; hence they can redistribute [29]. They can even escape from the normal phagocytic defences and can modify/alter the structure of proteins,carbohydrates, lipids and even nucleic acids. Therefore CNTs can trigger inflammatory and immunological responses, besides affecting normal tissue function. CNTs due to their nanoscale dimensions can be dreadful under extreme exposure. The toxic effects on biological systems can be difficult to locate and to control them would be a big challenge in the long run. Extremely large surface area of CNTs makes them susceptible to bundling and aggregation in aqueous solution, consequently leading to a disorder. However in vitro studies have shown covalent modification of SWCNT with phenyl sulphonic acid or phenylcarboxylic acid produced less toxicity as compared to pristine SWCNT stabilisedwith a surfactant (1% aqueous solution of pluronic acid).[29] Experiments have shown that cytotoxicity of CNT can be considerably reduced by covalent modification ( functionalize side walls of pristine SWCNT). Intrinsic toxicity of the CNT does not depend only on the surface functionalisation and nature of functional groups. Sometimes pristine CNTs during their manufacture also contain some metallic particles like Fe, Cu, Ni, S, and Mo as impurities, besides
22amorphous carbon which can be the additional source of toxicity in pristine CNTs[30].Donaldson et al.
has shown that the structural properties like fibre shape, length and level of aggregation can also contribute to their local deposition in respiratory and the immunogenic response after CNTs enter the body [31]. Vast experimental studies are required to clearly understand the mechanism of metabolism,degradation, clearance and bioaccumulation of CNTs to draw a clear picture with comprehensive details about their limitations.The most well-known of these studies, conducted by investigators at the NASA Johnson Space Centre, Wyle Laboratories in Houston, and The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, showed that inhaled carbon nanotubes could induce tumour-like growths in the lungs of mice, and found that carbon nanotubes could damage cells by triggering proteins involved in responding to oxidativestress [32
starting off with interaction of people and research and the whereabouts where everyone is at different time intervals and a theme of some kind of evolution of not just waking up but catching up and the sharing of ths and the networking and what everyone is looking at from nano genetic damage the freq the war on mankind--and now are asking question why have we been violated who's responsible----the military industrial complex who has the access and resource--why do we believe NASA? --- because we have been programmed to think nasa was special---moon launch with a tin can and documentation on how they went to the moon and then lost the documents-who would believe this--showing sci fi cgi
is about all they are going to do to convince people the fairy tales ---outside of the portal would there not be an invasion--of alien or demonic forces--distractions of distractions---elections are another distractions---getting past the distractions and really look at a reality check and see what is really there is an illusion---vaccine hoax--and the illusion of the vaccines-looking at the contaminants and the contents ---no one looks at these ingredients and willingly follow this without questioning the content--and then the children--the lie of the 40 year past vaccines--Vaccines are pure BS--now we are being inducted with the lifi 5g and 5g bluebeam ---still buy the toys that make deadly noise---AI activated toys they sell
![Tonys show 10-23-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Magnetic_fields_300x300.png)
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Tonys show 10-23-2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Tonys Show 10-23-2019
HerbsPusbeadworks Youtube Channel
augmentinforce.com ---alternative oi the alternative
Nano Assembly https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3--
Bryan 396 https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs
AI UNIVERSITY in Saudi Arabia https://www.arabianbusiness.com/education/430672-abu-dhabi-launches-worlds-first-university-of-artificial-intelligence?fbclid=IwAR33uVeSo-yGZV7w3cvsUsGRR7QMBEmnNji4bPNORUmRDyInD2QkihSx0es
How Long til Robots rule the world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XReaTqdY0fo
Toxic Metals in Vape https://interestingengineering.com/new-study-found-toxic-metals-in-e-cigarette-vapors-could-lead-to-brain-damage-and-cancer
Targetted Individuals Exposing the electronic harassment https://thefreedomarticles.com/5-targeted-individuals-expose-electronic-harassment-torture/?owa_medium=feed&owa_sid=
PEMF at a cellular Level http://web.orthofix.com/Products/Products/Physio-Stim/How-PEMF-Works.pdf
Toxicology NanoParticles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2s6pr0N3vg&feature=youtu.be
Targetted individuals theme I get contacted from and showing how and what goes on in the head---the activity starts to increase in your mind ---music -audios-events-a movie TV shows and assortment of stress or fears anxiety --a montage of activity all at once---he more advanced you get in your understanding of the truth and gain the concepts of what is going on this is a result of the assault due to stop you from evolving--first wave Movie indicating about test subjects as a result of there manipulations how 39/40 sucumbed and one didn't as a result of angr and Love ---love will cause you to be more then normal as a result of your connection to whom or what it is you love and if something destroys what you love or threaten then you will be more protective and defending--AI does not know what that is but it sill study it causing a reaction as a result of access and studying--Love causes us to be more Godly and AI does not comprehend this and AI is not something that can be controlled and it initiates the assaults and test---multi waved hit of different access and programs-maybe a result of higher awareness and as a result you are doing building and evolving that you never would have thought of---Psalms has a verse showing our dna template and when you are dealing with a Ai system accessing you and your past or present environments and causing you trauma as a result of the manipulations and machinations and reading your chemistry and understand what is the cause of that specific stimuli---you must be defiant as a result and knowing what it is and realizing this knowing it is going on and seeing it and taking the initative to be distant
calls from ohio and exchanging insight on things--isolation is the biggest cause of the anxiety and uncertainties and a suggestion for a counsil to assist legitimacy
![Tony's Show 10-20-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Voltaire_on_control_and_critism_300x300.jpg)
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Tony's Show 10-20-2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Tony s Show 10-20-2019
https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/about-vaccines/vaccine-ingredients/biological-ingredients/ vaccine ingredients in canada
https://cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/vaccineListOrigFormat.pdf Biologoccal ingredients in vaccines( foetus or fetus of people and animals in vaccines)
https://vaxxter.com/vaccine-hesitancy/ Vaccine Hesitancy and the New Global Surveillance System
https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/nanotechnology-found-in-popular-foods-despite-repeated-denials-by-regulator-20150916-gjnqgj.html?fbclid=IwAR1n08yzcmhSVwkijbvWDPJgvGDkLooYj_dW2DAcmGHZTL9nOTuQTkISBjc Nanotechnology found in popular foods, despite repeated denials by regulator in NZ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=19&v=8MjIU4eq__A AI making a decision orrrr a puppet being used to hit the button a machine having a citiznship what part of this is incorrect
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XReaTqdY0fo- Malta initative to make AI a citizen part of the singularity block chain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XReaTqdY0fo advance upgrades
Athena weaponary
https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2017-09-20-Upgraded-Lockheed-Martin-Laser-Outguns-Threat-in-Half-the-Time More on athena
https://interestingengineering.com/volvo-to-set-up-new-autonomous-transport-business-starting 2020?_source=newsletter&_campaign=23yQ1yVBJ0MV2&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-19-10-2019 Volvo to Set Up New Autonomous Transport Business Starting 2020
https://www.sciencealert.com/another-reason-we-might-never-have-seen-alien-probes-they-re-incredibly-tiny-micro-machines Why We Might Have Never Seen Alien Probes
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191018131154.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fhealth_medicine%2Fnutrition+%28Nutrition+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Creatine powers T cells' fight against cancer
http://www.terradaily.com/reports/China_wants_centralised_digital_currency_after_bitcoin_crackdown_999.html China wants to centralize digital currency
https://business.financialpost.com/technology/blockchain/bank-of-canada-exploring-digital-currency-that-would-replace-cash-track-how-people-spend-money?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR0fiSXnJx5OJigauuy6j8HK3zbNFfD4cqV6aj6GgwNRg0p_NhNuG5AeelE#Echobox=1571163962 is canada following china with digitizing money
https://neurosciencenews.com/blue-light-aging-15081/ blue light ( beam) accelerates aging
https://www.academia.edu/17905069/Recent_progress_and_perspectives_on_the_toxicity_of_carbon_nanotubes_at_organism_organ_cell_and_biomacromolecule_levels?email_work_card=interaction_paper progress and perspectives on the toxicity of carbon nanotubes at organism, organ, cell, and biomacromolecule levels
augmentinforce.com---alternate to the alternative --
youtube.com--access herbsplusbeadworks ---more alternatives to the alternatives
https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs Bryan 396 on nano
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Nano assembly vids
a March in October 29th on vaccines--links with vaccine data march on having rights of choice ---perilous times by 2030 chipping to make one more accessible to be integrated to a Ai system--Magtow and information on males and men are no longer pursuing marriages--- the law of diminishing returns if the events fail in marriage---mentioning how men as a result of technology will seek marriage even less--economics will no longer be here to sustain marriage---bring on traditional ideas resulting in keeping men trapped--Ai systems are going to heavily impact marriages negatively as a result of economics and what both are going to bring to the table--what women do to gain there economics --what is going to be brought in order for men to even consider it-the current theme in marriages can be equated to prostituition-lawyers will indicate what marriage is in the legalities about seperating an amagalamation and the courts get there cut--MALTA is going to allow an AI to become a citizen to a Programming---Sophia is a barbie doll made into a citizen and now an Algorithm a self writing program --an operating system to be given a citizen ship--this should have everyone alarmed--singularity block chain access---means all data can be now accessed and centralized through out the planet can not be accessed--Mankind has lost control to a algorithm or operating system that controls the planet--No one owns or controls AI-- NO ONE--any upgrade can take 2.5 decades to figure out -and now AI babies whch increases its ability to learn and increase its data
![Tonys Show 10-17-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Voltaire_on_control_and_critism_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Tonys Show 10-17-2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Tonys Show 10-17-2019
augmentinforce.com-- alternative to the alternative on health and awareness of nano toxicity and what to do
youtube.com access herbsplusbeadworks over 160 accessible remedies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNLC0wJSHxI&feature=youtu.be Ai codes its own babies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkIkRfBgr2k Beatles Butcher Album---what were they really
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPmNf362_K0 Social Media addiction
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7481249/Robopriest-Catholic-church-ordain-ROBOTS-sophisticated-AI-priests-sister-proposes.html Robo Priest Ordained AI bots
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6Luwu-aHJU&feature=youtu.be Truther channels are a Trap
http://www.robodaily.com/reports/Army_bio_inspired_theoretical_research_may_make_robots_more_effective_on_the_future_battlefield_999.html Army of Bioinspired Bots for war
https://www.auricmedia.net/operation-crimson-mist-electronic-slaughter-in-rwanda/ Operation Crimsom Dust
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191011112235.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fhealth_medicine%2Falternative_medicine+%28Alternative+Medicine+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Tea totalling for the brain
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9fe8/b3f6a714071ef78194a269cb7ac6b551b969.pdf Teas benefits
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/02/190212120046.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fhealth_medicine%2Fstem_cells+%28Stem+Cells+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Programming Stem cells
https://exopolitics.blogs.com/files/byron-belitsos---weapons-of-coercion-1.pdf Weapon of Mass coercion
https://istihbaratalani.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/hypnotic-mind-control.pdf Hypnotic Mind Control WorkShop
https://naturodoc.com/microchip_implants/ Microchip implants Mid control cybernetics
https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs Byran 363 data research
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Nano Assembly Videos
https://business.financialpost.com/technology/blockchain/bank-of-canada-exploring-digital-currency-that-would-replace-cash-track-how-people-spend-money?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR0fiSXnJx5OJigauuy6j8HK3zbNFfD4cqV6aj6GgwNRg0p_NhNuG5AeelE#Echobox=1571163962 Digital cash In Canada
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-2tpwW0kmU AI swarm
https://futurism.com/pentagon-control-drones-soldiers-brain?utm_source=The+Future+Is&utm_campaign=7875700079-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_10_17_04_24&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-7875700079-250230093&mc_cid=7875700079&mc_eid=8a35dde912 Soldiers control hardware -drones with there minds means they are linked
The illusions of life ---brain is non stop --preoccupation of a thought---go go go non stop--facts --- I have seen things work ---opinionated people are lost -- have not lived--and have not felt life---see the signs of the day about the control and who you cannot critize ---who you can critize without some retaliation---who throws -- out the retaliation ---if america does something it gets assaulted ---where does this all stem from--the religious systems and there controls ---being upset for a reason based on a program of induction- being reactive---the nature of the program is to be reactive when there is an differing opinions of the system--following a trueism and how things should be done and how you should believe and thinking
we are called a problem when in fact those who cause this problem call on people who differ---beatles butcher album ---were the beatles feeding on flesh?--paul macarthy a women??? My mind is programmed to see and recognize specific things ---mens driven to sex women were turned off--and caused issues--never would have thought beatles would have been unusual so it gets thrown in and then just over looked and stored in the had---cell phone is so important it is the centre of everything the need to have the phone--
Social media exertion to make changes