![Tonys Show 10-13-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Magnetic_fields_300x300.png)
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Tonys Show 10-13-2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Tonys Show 10-13-2019
https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session23/A-HRC-23-47_en.pdf Lethal autonomous robotics (LARs)
https://um.fi/documents/35732/48132/autonomous_weapon_systems_an_international_humanitarian_law__out_of_the/c0fca818-3141-b690-0337-7cfccbed3013?t=1525645981157 AUTONOMOUS WEAPONS SYSTEMS
https://www.wired.com/2012/08/future-warfare/ From Bug Drones to Disease Assassins, Super Weapons Rule U.S. War Game
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNLC0wJSHxI AI Codes its Own ‘AI Child’ - Artificial Intelligence breakthrough!
https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=UNG59U3D4H99 The Modern Grand Solar Minimum - Globebusters Mirror
https://futurism.com/angry-backlash-fake-meat THE BS on "Fake Meat"
http://imagingcoe.org/journey-centre-cell-nano-rods-worms-wriggle-best/ Journey to the centre of the cell: nano-rods and worms wriggle best
https://academic.oup.com/shm/article/25/2/271/1739124 Musical Hypnosis: Sound and Selfhood from Mesmerism to Brainwashing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgSgo_wsoXg Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Season 1 Episode 19 "Space Rockers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXGwBFU-R4o I MUDDI AI take over
http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/Dead%20Cats%20And%20Dogs%20Used%20To%20Make%20Pet%20Food.htm#Dead%20Cats%20And%20Dogs%20Used%20To%20Make%20Pet%20Foo PET FOODS he trojan horse for pets
https://www.zerohedge.com/health/new-vaccines-are-our-future-will-literally-change-your-dna New Vaccines Are In Our Future That Will "Literally Change Your DNA
https://danielwalsh.tumblr.com/day/2011/03/07 fields
https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs Nano Tech Researcher and Educator.
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Nano Assembly Vids
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDCtrfq_qG4&feature=youtu.be Surprise in the rain
https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/089a87_8580959600b44ace8d6f3d3dda0e87cc.pdf Neurotoxicity of nanoscale materials
TI's visiting-- and helping with what is being done as a prototype-emphasizing somethings in regard to being assaulted with the neurol electromagnetic freq and the different assaults from all over the body--having an attitude ---being resistant to the assault---what is a targetted individual--cell phones can be a conduit of a transmission through people as well facial recognition amplified by cell phones and the cell phones potentially activating people to turn on there phones --advantage I have is that being aware allows one to better deal with what is happening---wearing shielding can deflect some assault of these
freq ---having 10% of the planets population are awake -- but alot are alone and are suspect and so hard to associate and gather due to trust and phobia-- being accessed by people globally due to the content I refer to---rain contamination--nano mimetic or synthetic biology--a type of lipsome hydrogel delivery method-ever notice bugs are more prominent in winter and survive the cold ---the genetics have been altered --mutations --assumptions of safe are no longer the case any more---more way way more
![Tonys Show 10-10-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Finger_pront_of_God_300x300.jpg)
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Tonys Show 10-10-2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Tonys Show 10-10-2019
augmentinforce.com--Data and Info on nano and other solutions all for FREE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDCtrfq_qG4&feature=youtu.be robo worm???
https://www.trunews.com/stream/syria-tells-un-america-has-genetically-modified-super-soldiers-deployed-in-country1 SUPER SOLDIER ( SS look familiar)
https://www.medgadget.com/2019/07/tiny-robots-aim-to-work-inside-our-bodies.html Bots in Your body
https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs Bryan 396
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Nano Visuals
http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Tires_and_clothes_major_sources_of_Bay_Area_microplastics_study_999.html Microplastics
http://imagingcoe.org/journey-centre-cell-nano-rods-worms-wriggle-best/ NANORODS AND NANOWORMS how you are being invaded
https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/089a87_8580959600b44ace8d6f3d3dda0e87cc.pdf NANOTOXICTY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acIDmUlooSQ&feature=youtu.be Anomalies
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-50553-x planning invasion of the planet with mutated or enhanced pathologies
https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-netherlands-ukraine-secret-agreement-regarding-the-july-2014-shoot-down-of-malaysian-airlines-mh17/5691184/amp the secret agreement with the ukraine and the netherlands
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTlcCvvUjl0 Preparing eggs for Winter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMLsHI8aV0g&feature=youtu.be AI the prototype of what china is doing and how it will be here as well
https://interestingengineering.com/worlds-first-ai-concert-opens-wcit-2019-in-yerevan-armenia?_source=newsletter&_campaign=BzYBpgRzLqpJv&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-07-10-2019 AI entertainment
https://futurism.com/angry-backlash-fake-meat wanting REAL meat
https://neurosciencenews.com/brain-tissue-artificial-membrane-15053/ Brain sustained on artificial membrane
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-017-01034-0 Carbon-based molecules offer unparalleled potential for THz and optical devices controlled by pure spin currents: a low-dissipation flow of electronic spins with no net charge displacement
http://tatoott1009.com/2018/12/16/hipas-high-power-auroral-stimulation-observatory/ russias vesion of haarp
the devil made me do it a sitcom in the 70s ---the propaganda done through entertainment to let you know what they are doing---dealing with non living entities
people doing things --superficial and then act in a way that is a form of misconduct or demeaning ways out of the blue--Godly standards instead of spiritual
weaponization of sex and money and other facets of life and boils down to a programming --we don't know how things are done til w are taught til we see it programming from devices --environmental programs- people influences etc--TV radio programming through visual radio to auditory---the devil made you do it orrr the mechanizations are causing you to do things ---how the freq is affected by choice in relationships one way or another looking back in time and tying how the 2 things were the target and how the freq incorporated to further the advance the program---opening up your mind to allow activation
![Tonys show 10-08-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Torroidal_waves_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Tonys show 10-08-2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Tonys Show 10 8-2019
https://www.trunews.com/stream/syria-tells-un-america-has-genetically-modified-super-soldiers-deployed-in-country1 Super soldier exported to Assyria GMO soldies 24 and 25 time slot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whuIE09zdfM Super soldier in assyria
https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/089a87_8580959600b44ace8d6f3d3dda0e87cc.pdf Neurotoxicity of nano Metals
https://resonance.is/schwarzites-long-sought-carbon-structure-joins-graphene-fullerene-family/ Nano carbon structures and data
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1XNjh5k9TY&feature=youtu.be Agenda 21/30 it is upon us
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acIDmUlooSQ&feature=youtu.be unusual global events and anomalies
https://phys.org/news/2015-03-buckybomb-potential-power-nanoscale-explosives.html Buckybomb shows potential power of nanoscale explosives
https://www.5gexposed.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/coming.png Coming to a street lamp near you
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191003083256.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmatter_energy%2Fnanotechnology+%28Nanotechnology+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Printed electronics open way for electrified tattoos and personalized biosensors
https://www.academia.edu/10128308/Carbon_nanotubes_and_their_toxicity?email_work_card=interaction_paper Carbon nanotubes and their toxicity
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191002165233.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_science+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Top+Science+News%29 Aspirin may halve air pollution harms
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191002144257.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_science+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Top+Science+News%29 Environmental toxins impair immune system over multiple generations
http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Enemy_drone_operators_may_soon_face_the_power_of_Thor_999.html Enemy drone operators may soon face the power of Thor
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191001110838.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fhealth_medicine%2Fdietary_supplements+%28Dietary+Supplements+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Vitamin C therapy linked to better survival rates after sepsis
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0963996918301789 citrus fruit extracts with carvacrol and thymol eliminated 7-log acid-adapted Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes: A potential of effective natural antibacterial agents
being in and out of time-living a comic book life
the concepts of genetics and machinations being displayed---the forecast of what they were going to initiate in the progression of time the initiation of a program which was made to happen---nothing has changed historically except with a few minor modifications ---repeated cycle--be like God the concept of immortality and the idea of being god ---all past historical culture as all were brought own the same way---theme in the bible in genesis be like God --having the power of God is the temptation---be like God and integrate into a machine and have eternity ---be like a God --some ideology and philosophies say they are god so I thin that should be tested---see if you can rise back from the dead--Jesus cam back ---the greek mythical gods could die ---they resembled the angelics of the book of jasher ---these interfered with the evolution of man these same angeis were the same as the gods f the different cultures violating women and introducing here genetics and there offspring always self destructed
Super soldiers in war --the war machine ---entertaining these entities through war the perpetual cycle of following the same program repeatedly--super soldiers get wiped out during the war in assyria---sent into a war zone the Super soldiers the have there support is withdrawn and they get wiped out almost sounds like an experiment was engaged then covered up and terminated--being in a shit hole--
![Tony's Show 10-2-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Finger_pront_of_God_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Tony's Show 10-2-2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Tony's Show 10-02-2019
augmentinforce.com---data and information on things pertinent to Life and anti Life
http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Ocean_plastic_waste_probably_comes_from_ships_report_says_999.html Ocean plastic waste probably comes from ships
https://time.com/5673240/china-killer-robots-weapons/?utm_campaign=time&utm_source=line_app&utm_medium=social China and the U.S Are Fighting a Major Battle Over Killer Robots and the Future of AI
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02922-9?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=484035935a-briefing-dy-20190930_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-484035935a-43402073 Two-thirds of researchers report ‘pressure to cite’ in Nature poll Readers say they have been asked to reference seemingly superfluous studies after peer review.
https://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=47571.php Nanotechnology for neural interfaces
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztbw0IOjVhs&fbclid=IwAR3ishLiGRaR9xkW5ov7PpWn5AcMHst-4GQL0-M6y7CTZy5M0rChiA1oW8M+-- DARPA advisor reveals conscious AI supercomputers utilized for mind control pay attention to 1:38
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQZ7zp50gpM Dr. James Giordano Neuroweapons
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HSDth_zS4IbDlvHHdTdVh24Q1kCOF0QG/view DARPA
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kt9RrZeQZ8CahDcHfWiYfn-AH9dtcemo/view EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roEuL-2HEyU&feature=youtu.be Black Mirror--you have been activated
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNKlFRBr2FM Implanted - Full Movie
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Nano Assembly Vids
https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs Nano Tech Researcher and Educator
https://www.academia.edu/1231290/Carbon_nanotubes_and_their_toxicity?email_work_card=view-paper Carbon nanotubes and their toxicity
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Nano Assembly
http://www.information-book.com/electromagnetic-harassment-health-attacks/head-as-electromagnetic-cavity-resonator/ The head as an electromagnetic cavity resonator or an acoustical resonator
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xsd0Iq5ccQ Anti Nano triangle
continue doing theme from last show--getting past preconceptions---being programmed to preconceived ideas --we follow things based conceptions or program that have little substantiation---examples of conceptions---perception is reality-- how we come up with what we believe in the program but does not mean i s even true--the things we are exposed to different reality in today's time---simple life theme- warfare with robots-Robots are going to be in our lives==AI war jeep and what it can do---sci theme--Town has ethics and values- and govt initiates a policy that is contrary to the town---now you have a autonomous issue at the door and the the media cover up as a result--or a tower assault with freq initiating activation with whatever they programmed---tower kill range---being accessed by freq as a result of nano bio and synthetic bio---daarpa link --translocation of nano tech
![Tonys Show 9-30-2019 the BOMB](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Finger_pront_of_God_300x300.jpg)
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Tonys Show 9-30-2019 the BOMB
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Tonys Show 9-30-2019
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQZ7zp50gpM Dr. James Giordano Neuroweapons
Aroy Mak Show 9-21-2019
https://www.academia.edu/14879574/Potential_Occupational_Risks_Associated_with_Pulmonary_Toxicity_of_Carbon_Nanotubes?email_work_card=interaction_paper Potential Occupational Risks Associated with Pulmonary Toxicity of Carbon Nanotubes
https://www.academia.edu/17905069/Recent_progress_and_perspectives_on_the_toxicity_of_carbon_nanotubes_at_organism_organ_cell_and_biomacromolecule_levels?email_work_card=title Recent progress and perspectives on the toxicity of carbon nanotubes at organism, organ, cell, and biomacromolecule levels
https://www.academia.edu/1231290/Carbon_nanotubes_and_their_toxicity?email_work_card=view-paper Carbon nanotubes and their toxicity
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190927135202.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmatter_energy%2Fbiochemistry+%28Biochemistry+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Your energy-efficient washing machine could be harboring pathogens
https://interestingengineering.com/human-machine-collaboration-work-in-the-age-of-artificial-intelligence?_source=newsletter&_campaign=aoAzyy7zjMVn&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-28-09-2019 Human + Machine Collaboration: Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs Nano Tech Researcher and Educator
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190917133044.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fplants_animals%2Fgenetics+%28Genetics+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Genomic migration analysis shows antibiotic resistance moving from humans to animals
https://www.rcrwireless.com/20190319/policy/fcc-terahertz-spectrum Potential applications for Terahertz spectrum include sensing, imagine, wireless cognition
https://scitechdaily.com/microplastics-in-the-great-lakes-1941-particles-per-pound-of-sediment/ Microplastics in the Great Lakes: 1,941 Particles Per Pound of Sediment
https://www.whatisepigenetics.com/assisted-reproduction-may-lead-to-epigenetic-changes/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=New+Article%3A+Assisted+Reproduction+May+Lead+to+Epigenetic+Changes+for+the+Offspring&utm_campaign=Automatic+New+Post+For+WIE+%28reoccurring%29+%28Copy%29 Assisted Reproduction May Lead to Epigenetic Changes for the Offspring
https://futurism.com/the-byte/oral-sex-toy-ai-deep-learning?utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-b340cf93d8-250230093&mc_cid=b340cf93d8&mc_eid=8a35dde912&utm_source=The%20Future%20Is&utm_campaign=b340cf93d8-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_09_27_06_19 THIS AI-POWERED ORAL SEX ROBOT PUTS THE “DEEP” IN DEEP LEARNING
https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/trypsin Trypsin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sBBaNYex3E More Parkour Atlas atlas autonomous
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190926122028.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmatter_energy%2Fnanotechnology+%28Nanotechnology+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Compute at the speed of light New way to make integrated photonics
the bomb of bomb of a bombs oral sex and blow jobs and what AI and blow jobs have in common the perfect oral experience and the AI experience--giving us toys to destroy us and what this is being released-the AI access to the reproductive system is now uploading the data from the dna that is being collected to the data base--you are now uploaded to a data base---brothels with dna collection with ai bots now can be done i the privacy in there own home-the imperative to collect information as much as possible to be able to understand how to manipulate you--your access to the dna is like having access to a cpu with the password now you have control to either input or take out -same now can be done with your dna once it is accessed-once the dna is accessed now the control is with who ever has the access-I can implement a desired response -heart attack auto immune etc--the bombshell on neuro weapons after 29:53 I was livid---everything that bryan 396 and myself have been saying has been completely validated-ALL OF IT-- the war for your mind the matrix scenerio--full on control--the explicit control and the reason why the assault is to break you--over a decade being saying he elaborates even further detailing what we have said in the process---filling out applications and what is actually happening this gives them through there analysis on what data is about you in great details better to target you---you are the experiment and they are using even the VK2 tech---the nano will feel like glass cutting through you as they say silica passes through now you know how---More way way way More
![Tony s Show 9-26-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Torroidal_waves_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Tony s Show 9-26-2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Tony's Show of the week 9-26-2019
augmentinforce.com Alternative to the alternative in information and solutions
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190917133044.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fplants_animals%2Fgenetics+%28Genetics+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Genomic migration analysis shows antibiotic resistance moving from humans to animals
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190917075826.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fplants_animals%2Fgenetics+%28Genetics+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Synthetic cells capture and reveal hidden messages of the immune system
https://futurism.com/the-byte/labradoodle-creator-breed-crazy-diseased?utm_source=The+Future+Is&utm_campaign=f1acaac5a7-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_09_26_06_10&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-f1acaac5a7-250230093&mc_cid=f1acaac5a7&mc_eid=8a35dde912 LABRADOODLE CREATOR SAYS DOG BREED IS INSANE, DISEASED
https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/datasets.html? VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02847-3?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=778d049a4a-briefing-dy-20190925&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-778d049a4a-43402073 The impotent effects of Japan’s stem-cell policies
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/4-billion-and-growing-u-s-payouts-for-vaccine-injuries-and-deaths-keep-climbing/ $4 Billion and Growing: U.S. Payouts for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Keep Climbing
https://www.minds.com/Bryan396/blogs Nano Tech Researcher and Educator. ACTIVE Target and Victimized. THE "HOW THEY DO IT" AND TECHNOLOGY SITE
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.9b02540 Plastic Teabags Release Billions of Microparticles and Nanoparticles into Tea
https://healthimpactnews.com/2019/genetically-engineered-mosquitoes-escape-human-control-and-are-now-spreading-in-the-environment/?fbclid=IwAR1qOmkj2q8G7RFRrBQuilBSLluyC3F7e3DPMza7XJ7e1keFaOcKQ8I5YRE Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Escape Human Control and are now Spreading in the Environment
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Nano Assembly Vids
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4335973/pdf/mbo30004-0012.pdf Dietary iron depletion at weaning imprints low microbiome diversity and this is not recovered with oral nano Fe(III)
Looking beyond 5G, FCC opens up Terahertz spectrum
https://vaccine-injury.info/about.cfm vaccine-injury
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190320140548.htm?utm_sour ce=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmatter_energy%2Forganic_chemistry+%28Organic+Chemistry+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Computer scientists create reprogrammable molecular computing system Computer design meets potions class: A little of vial 1 and a little of vial 2 yield six-bit computations encoded in DNA
https://nannocare.com/pages/how-to-use/ NannoPad
the time of the month and the new nannopad putting nano particiculates in reproductive system and you add this pad which will release nano silver which will cause a severe hijacking and sabotage that will cause a side effect--this pad is inserted soaks the blood and releases the nanosilver and you repeat this which will cause the destruction of the anatomy health due to bacterial die off and nano silver poisoning and you literally rot off internally then the BF or husband now enter the tunnel of love exchanging dna and after awhile the male then absorbs this as well and causes the testicles to become corrupt and cause them to dysfunction---killing 2 birds with one stone
things have changed from fortification and strenghtening today it is about breakdown and dysfunction--nano silver toxic and should not have been marketed but a dr guru came out with this and then propagated this---double agent---nano metals are not to be utilized at all nothing to substantiate safety or use not designed to use these on a nano scale micron size is what we can utilize--nano in the environment and the lethality of the exposure loss of minerals will increase high uptake of nano metals due to the removal of the colons bacteria as a result of the glyphosates--nano metals will displace the minerals we should be using and as a result the immune system crashes and you get the secondary the effects of the exposure
way way way more
![Tony's Show Sept 24 2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Torroidal_waves_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tony's Show Sept 24 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Show 9-24-2019
https://www.academia.edu/17905069/Recent_progress_and_perspectives_on_the_toxicity_of_carbon_nanotubes_at_organism_organ_cell_and_biomacromolecule_levels?email_work_card=title Recent progress and perspectives on the toxicity of carbon nanotubes at organism, organ, cell, and biomacromolecule levels--more data on a untested technology and how much damage it can impact
https://neurosciencenews.com/hypersexual-disorder-hormone-14962/ Hormone potentially linked to hypersexual disorder identified
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190923082244.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fhealth_medicine%2Fhuman_biology+%28Human+Biology+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 DNA is held together by hydrophobic forces---why terrahertz freq are exceptionally bad
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4335973/pdf/mbo30004-0012.pdf Dietary iron depletion at weaning imprints low microbiome diversity and this is not recovered with oral nano Fe(III)
https://nowtoronto.com/whats-your-opinion-of-norwex-products/ NANO silver in products and can be released in environment
https://www.rcrwireless.com/20190319/policy/fcc-terahertz-spectrum Potential applications for Terahertz spectrum include sensing, imagine, wireless cognition-- 6 G
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/sep/22/the-five-airborne-pollutants-in-our-bodies-placenta-heart-lungs-liver The five: airborne pollutants in our bodies-- Pay attention to the term ultra fine particles which is another name for nano
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lSMsFIxjhs&t=9s Sci-Fi Short Film "Augmented" presented by DUST
https://www.activistpost.com/2019/09/infuriating-report-reveals-dmvs-across-the-us-are-selling-your-personal-info-and-making-millions.html DMVs Across the US are Selling Your Personal Info and Making Millions
https://fionaforhealth.com/forces-time-deja-vu/ commentary on FORCES, TIME, & DÉJÀ VU
https://interestingengineering.com/boston-dynamics-robots-can-now-do-gymnastics-routines-and-manage-tricky-terrain?_source=newsletter&_campaign=E43PM9Z8EjoAE&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-24-09-2019 Boston Dynamics Robots Can Now Do Gymnastics Routines and Manage Tricky Terrain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztbw0IOjVhs&app=desktop DARPA advisor reveals conscious AI supercomputers utilized for mind control
https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/datasets.html? VAER-Vaccine Adverse Event reporting
get as much data on nano augmentinforce.com or www.minds.com/bryan396 and learn as much a you can on nano biotech and synthetic tech because once it assaults you it is going to b a major chore--we are at war and mankind is the subject of extermination and the behind the scenes and how they are manipulating war in such away that is done with such subterfuge you do not even see it ongoing--people do not see this and are oblivious to the truth and some ignore what the reality is--the imagery being presented today is not the norm--
how many have done everything done according to the matrix and see it fail and he you recoup all you do is just getting by--the guidelines were fictious to sustain total failure-you did it all as the program paradym had ---and the TV version and the reality version are totally different and not normal--planned assault--entities are causing force and activities that is beyond our scope---you cannot run form this unreality---the matrix is deigned a total assault on us---understanding who the enemy really is
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Tonys Show 9-21-2019
https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/microplastics-'It is raining plastic': Microplastics found in Colorado rainwater
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/12/raining-plastic-colorado-usgs-microplastics rainwater?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 'It is raining plastic': Microplastics found in Colorado rainwater
https://www.academia.edu/14711663/Toxicity_of_pristine_versus_functionalized_fullerenes_mechanisms_of_cell_damage_and_the_role_of_oxidative_stress?email_work_card=thumbnail Toxicity of C60
https://bioethics.com/archives/46375 CRISPR Used to Build Dual-Core Computers Inside Human Cells
https://neurosciencenews.com/microbiome-muscle-strength-14940/ Could gut microbes be the key to overcoming muscle loss in older age
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326328.php?utm_source=newsletter&utm_ medium=email&utm_country=CA&utm_hcp=no&apid=&utm_campaign=MNT%20Weekly%20News%202019-09-18&utm_term=MNT%20Weekly%20News Could gut microbes be the key to overcoming muscle loss in older age
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02654-w?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=6fb58d2862-briefing-dy-20190912&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-6fb58d2862-43402073 Embryo-like structures created from human stem cells
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190909104701.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmatter_energy%2Forganic_chemistry+%28Organic+Chemistry+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 Molecule properties change through light
https://science.sciencemag.org/content/365/6459/1228 Birds are disappearing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=floy2kcFDSM&t=1314s upgrades and modifications
augmentinforce.com free data especially on nano and other health information
https://futurism.com/the-byte/gene-hack-mosquitoes-backfiring? tm_source=The+Future+Is&utm_campaign=e970bcc28bMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_09_16_06_28&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-e970bcc28b-250230093&mc_cid=e970bcc28b&mc_eid=8a35dde912 Gene hacking mosquitos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW-r5k9gbIc Vaccine tyranny
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWP_zam-zGo&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3vxv8n8apQLGts4c_Y_zaexFNDiitBtCeb-zbfNCp3RLimBJTzpYg5blk Vaccine tyranny
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3-- Nano Assembly
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02807-x?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=9cccfcc954-briefing-dy-20190919&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-9cccfcc954-43402073 C-section babies are missing key microbes
https://www.nature.com/immersive/d41586-019-02711-4/index.html?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=9cccfcc954-briefing-dy-20190919&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-9cccfcc954-43402073 climate weather modification
show is up things popping up backed up --getting through he trackking to look up---being aware of pets and the awareness of what is being the biggest con going in pet purchasing ---no contract reading the assumption all is well-and they got a lemon -- a genetic species of breeding and are not able to heal as other dogs do who are normal and the number one big issue is there colon and the blood coming out of there ass---noting works more then 6 weeks and they re engage---the vet validated what I had said----falling in love with a pet and then being blinded as a result of the emotional attachment and how a contract is being used to screw over the consumer and the collusion with the contracts and how they worded---brokers can come and take your pet away from you as a result of the way the contract is made---no one should sign this type of contract---and no one should borrow money to buy a e if you have to do this then you cannot afford to have this dog nor afford to sustain the health of the pets--in the same time frame people calling me on there pets having the same issues globally
![Tony's Show 9-18-2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog3209021/Torroidal_waves_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Tony's Show 9-18-2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Sept 18 2019 Show
https://interestingengineering.com/ex-google-worker-fears-mass-atrocities-caused-by-killer-robots?_source=newsletter&_campaign=4m50KvBJ4ML3P&_uid=N1aM8ym1eW&_h=e8a9af51dcd510ecc5817f330cb0ca039bb665c5&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-16-09-2019 --- Ex-Google Worker Fears 'Mass Atrocities' Caused by Killer Robots
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWP_zam-zGo&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3vxv8n8apQLGts4c_Y_zaexFNDiitBtCeb-zbfNCp3RLimBJTzpYg5blk --- Next VAX Laws Coming & Microchipping Vaccines Since 2004 and Before
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW-r5k9gbIc -- Vaccine exemption tyranny 2019
https://www.academia.edu/14711663/Toxicity_of_pristine_versus_functionalized_fullerenes_mechanisms_of_cell_damage_and_the_role_of_oxidative_stress?email_work_card=thumbnail -- Toxicity of pristine versus functionalized fullerenes: mechanisms of cell damage and the role of oxidative stress
( oh oh more shit on c 60 ---I guess NASA is FOS as per usual )
https://futurism.com/the-byte/russia-accusing-facebook-google-election?utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-0ac900e9cd-250230093&mc_cid=0ac900e9cd&mc_eid=8a35dde912&utm_source=The%20Future%20Is&utm_campaign=0ac900e9cd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_09_09_06_52 -- Russia accuses FB for interferring in there elections how tech is ruling the world
https://futurism.com/the-byte/gene-hack-mosquitoes-backfiring?utm_source=The+Future+Is&utm_campaign=e970bcc28b-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_09_16_06_28&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-e970bcc28b-250230093&mc_cid=e970bcc28b&mc_eid=8a35dde912 GENE-HACKING MOSQUITOES TO BE INFERTILE BACKFIRED SPECTACULARLY
https://www.essentialoilsdirect.co.uk/essential_oils_a_to_e_1.html E/O data base
https://newatlas.com/crispr-cell-computer/59336/ --- CRISPR used to build dual-core computers inside human cells
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TIGs718YRDXnBs4Xw1pn_WS7RSbiqyp4/view -- Wireless Radiation and EMF Studies--Published since August, 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztbw0IOjVhs&fbclid=IwAR3ishLiGRaR9xkW5ov7PpWn5AcMHst-4GQL0-M6y7CTZy5M0rChiA1oW8M -- DARPA advisor reveals conscious AI supercomputers utilized for mind control
https://neurosciencenews.com/tea-drinking-brain-health-14889/ --- Drinking tea improves brain health
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2019/09/11/vaping-lung-illness-what-we-know-spate-cases-and-deaths/2264610001/ --- People are getting Vaped!!! --- Vaping lung illness: What we know about the recent spate of cases and deaths
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=floy2kcFDSM&t=1314s --Upgrades and modificiations
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3--Bryan 396 research
https://futurism.com/trump-homeless-government-facilities?utm_source=The+Future+Is&utm_campaign=f43a820181-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_09_11_06_51&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-f43a820181-250230093&mc_cid=f43a820181&mc_eid=8a35dde912---intern camps for the homeless
Special announcement on the ME they have relocated to arkansas--as welll putting a list in your orders--the vaccine assault is on and this time they are taking out any exemption- C-60 another study showing lethality
AI Killer bots and Google tech are fearing it-Tech catastrophe--genetically engineering bot mosquitos to be altering mosquitos and now the mosquitos have adapted --insect bites may now give you more then a saliva with proteins may actually inject in you nanobio-FB interferring with russian elections and thetecnentity's and how they will influence politics--crispr genetics turning human cells into networks and access--
![ME 9-12 2019](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/3209021/God_Particle_Hand_of_God_holding_an_atombckqq_300x300.jpg)
Friday Sep 13, 2019
ME 9-12 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN7UPXYX7ts ) The Truth About 5G - Dr Graham Downing
(https://futurism.com/trump-homeless-government-facilities?utm_source=The+Future+Is&utm_campaign=f43a820181-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_09_11_06_51&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-f43a820181-250230093&mc_cid=f43a820181&mc_eid=8a35dde912 ) Trump Admin Proposes Putting Homeless In “Government Facilities
(https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190909104701.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmatter_energy%2Forganic_chemistry+%28Organic+Chemistry+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 )
Molecule properties change through light
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztbw0IOjVhs&fbclid=IwAR3PE6eMyGgTUiRef-476Kjr5HrLxp0tHgaBlBe536mX1nQ81OjObmVHdnQ )
DARPA advisor reveals conscious AI supercomputers utilized for mind control
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djKIlXz8WJs&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1K05dYIDuYwLUP21CzsrFhW_IxLAsZCRkgnwXxEYliNjdsoTl382vVxVc ) 9/11 - THE FOOTAGE THEY DIDN'T LET YOU SEE TWICE (9/11 2001 Documentary)
(https://www.nanowerk.com/nanotechnology-news2/newsid=53537.php ) The future of mind control
(https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-11649-0#Fig7 ) periodic table of molecules
(https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGjvv80IymebVS0H-h9Jo5qguc1MsQixcVPJQk_I_YmxrPgqXbrqxOCvTTTDrduA?key=NjQxY2p6dlZmR0F2MTlfR2dqSUlZd3ExdkpwS3h3 ) Nano Assembly
China and how the do things transferring over to canada and usa
if you have bad habits that the gov t can control and deny ACCESS to YOUR OWN money entitled to you--and the concepts of this to stop you programs --no one gave them the right to parent grown people to control there own monies at the retirement---connecting china and NA so this can integrated---march to ottawa back in the 80s to stop the govt taxing the senior benefits and it stopped the madness --Millenials are don't have any aspect of what they have and what they are losing--being a 50s baby or 60s baby now it is your turn to access what is yours if you do not get to a point to get what is yours do nothing get nothing---Tuesday show is fixed so now there is no pause it is fixed--speak true things and things go wrong---reality not everyone is going to be saved and if there are those who do not want to do anything then they are dismissed those who do embrace the truth and awaken then it is on to assist others to reach growth and more awakening--just tel the truth you cannot run from the truth it will always be there---so you do not need to convert anyone-- just expose what you are doing and it will either wake or break either way just go with the flow the truth is the most bizzare thing you have ever heard---being open enough to a possibility and closed enough not to allow deception---what is an entity??